What's Babu Music?  Well, the name came from our granddaughter Charley Rose Regan.  She calls me Babu & calls my wife Barb, BeBe.  We call her Charley, among other things --all good.  I also call Barb by many others names --again, all good.

     I've been playing music for something like 58 years (as of 2021), which is rather an ambigous statement, depending on how much time during that time was spent actually playing.   Nevertheless, the most frequent instrument, and the one I play with others, is the electric bass guitar.  Singing was never a part of my credentials primarily because I don't like singing while playing bass.  To me they seem to be two drastically different mental functions, but I've always been amazed when other bassists have no problem with it.  It seems I use my vocal cords when playing bass, and my fingers when I sing. 

      In the past, I only put voice to song when making a demo for others.  These, too, were essentially with that in mind.  Initially I wanted to surprise Barb (Moudge) with a bunch of songs I recorded for our 41st Wedding Anniversary (2019).  They were recorded with the intention of providing some of my favorite local musicians with demos, so we could record them in two of my favorite studios, Saturation Acres and Eight Days A week, operated by Brett Alexander and Brett Alexander & Paul Smith, respectively (and respectfully).  Then, I was hoping to take some money from the sale of our house to pay for all of it, but we came up quite a bit short on that score.  The only thing we downsized was space, not cost.  Perhaps one day...

      This list has grown considerably since that initial intention, and will likely continue until I can't because I can't stop.

       All of the tunes below were arranged in Band-in-a-Box, and then uploaded and processed through Cakewalk by BandLab and/or Reaper.  Click on the name of a song and be taken to a page with some yadda yadda, links to WAV & Video files (with lyrics) that you can listen to and/or download.  Or not.  I understand that this page is just a place to keep everything organized, and I will be pretty much the only visitor.  Still, there is an aesthetic façade that covers my organizing.

12 Bars Blue* I Knew What It's Like* She Could Walk With Me*
12 Bars' Booze* I Know Blues* She's The One*
A Biting Chill* I Know It's Wrong* Show Me The Magic*
A Sense O' Mia* I'm In It For The Minute* Show Me The Magic (pop)*
Always Look On The Bright Side... I'm Talkin' 'Bout* Show Me The Magic (reggae)*
Baby, Baby Love* It's Me* Sing A Song For Sick Spense*
Backroads* Its' Gonna Fall* Sitting In Limbo
Back To The River* I Wouldn't But I Want To* Sojourn Soldier*
Back To The Rhythm* Just Downstream On That River* Someone Said Whiskey*
Bad Advice* Knowing What We Know We Know* Some Songs*
Bailey's Blue* Lean It On The Dreaming Tree* Somewhere In The Loss*
Better Then Never* Learn To Rub Yer Soul** Somewhere In The World*
Born Today* Leon, Rustle Up Some Grub* Soulshine
Blue Monger* Let's Try Some Blues* Stand By Me**
Bump Me To The Top* Lifting Doldrums* Start At The Stars*
Bring It On Home Li'l Lies O' Jayne* Stuck In The Middle
Cabin Rooftop Dance* Long For The Season* Such A Heavenly Woman*
California Stars** Look Like That* Sultry Sway*
Celtic Kiss* Loose & Lovely* Sweet Devilish Style*
Can't Afford Your Love* Midnight Special** Take It Or Leave Me*
Choo Choo Ch Boogie Midnight Train* That Night*
Come On Down To...* Mixed Signals* That Sadder Day Dance*
Dark Days Are Numbered* Mug-Slingin' Brawl* The Devil's Debutante*
Dazy Days* My Babe** The Long Way Home*
Delicate* My Baby Don't* The Main Street Moan
Devil May Find Me* My Girl** The Nature Of Desire*
Did He Ditty Do?* My Girl Renewed** There's No Time*
Don't Know What It Is* My Last Goodbye* There's Something In My Eye*
Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood My, My* There's So Much More*
Don't Tell The Judge I Lied* My Old Country* The River's Gonna Rise*
Don't Worry None* Mystery Vibes* The Price*
Down Down Down* Nasty Bump* They're Coming*
Down The Drain* Never Knowing Love* The Windows Of Your Worries*
Down The Road Of Life* Nobody Knows You This One's For The Ride*
Drowning In The Hurt* Nothin' Never Happens* Time Will Tell (but who will listen?)*
Early Ages* Now And Then* To Know You Is To Love You
Everybody Knows Your...* One Night Away* Truth In The Proof*
Every Conversation* One Night Away TWO* Use Me*
Everything Is Turning Blue* One Night* Walking In The Garden*
Everything You Do Is Wrong* Once I Had A Wife* Watch Out Children*
Every Time I Do* On The Chop We Already Said Goodbye*
Every Woman On The Ferris Wheel* We Are The World
Falling In Love Is Easy* P, B & J* We Were Alive*
Fat Lady's Swan Song* Pieces Of Me* What A Wonderful World
Fly Me To The Moon** Poncho & Lefty What A Wonderful World (other)
Frida Gough* Rainin'* What I'd Do For Your Kiss*
Get Unbored With Me* Rock Me, Baby** When You Walk In The Room**
Give Me Something* Sad Clown Blues!* Wiggle Room*
Good Night* Sailing Through The Breeze* Wild World
Go On Teasin'* Sails* Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow**
Groove Dat Pie* Save It!* With Him By My Side*
Hang Me Save These Changes* Wonderful Tonight**
Heaven Only Knows Your Name* Save The Last Dance For Me Wrong To Write*
Hold My Hand* Sea Are Mist*** You Are Not Alone**
How Can I Begin* Sea Of Blues* You Can Always Say Baby*
How Can I Say Goodbye* See You Down The Road* You Can Never*
How Many Blues* See You In The Morning Tonight* You Coulda Fooled Me*
I Didn't Do It* Shanty** You're Driving Me O-O-Y Mind**
I Got It*   Your Mind Is On Vacation**

* Original   **I added some lyrics   ***Origianl Instrumentals

Babu Music on YouTube

Back To Marty Straub

some songs with others

EMAIL TO: m a r t y AT m a r t y st r a u b DOT com