Midnight Special

      This is a an old folk song often erroneously attributed to Huddie Ledbetter, but I still give him credit because Leadbelly did it so well and brought it into the 20th Century.  It's now in public domain.  I changed some of the words, especially the chorus for Miss Rosie.  The live version is really just man-you-fractured in the studio to sound like an audience recording.  Notice the cheers for the guitar solo, and the smattering of polite applause for the harmonica solo --probably the other harp players in the attendance. 

       It is here redone using BiaB and Cakewalk.  I played bass and sang (and stood stage right).  Audience made up of many free sounds from freesounds.org.

Midnight Special (wav) ~ Midnight Special (mp4)  --both open in a new tab
Live version: Midnight Special (wav) ~ Midnight Special (mp4)  --both open in a new tab

 Live version on YouTube