Sultry Sway

       This one is about a guy who probaby drinks too much.  Maybe it's the guy-gets-girl part of the story that ends with guy-loses girl, but that's for another song.

       It is presented here with Band in a Box, Reaper, Cakewalk, and Ozone 11   Dave Bell of Blue Attitude played guitars, and I added bass, guitar, percussion and vocal.

Sultry Sway (wav) ~ Sultry Sway (mp4) both open in a new tab
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Sultry Sway


I wake alone on my bedroom floor, assess the shape I'm in.

I look around for clues of the crazy night before,

but the room begins to spin.

I nearly take a dive through the TV screen, but catch myself in reverie.

The mem'ries flooding back make me think it's just a dream.

She looked too good to be.


Oh, there's something in the way she walks into the room.

1&2-(It's still there when she walks away.)

3-(It's still there when she wants to stay.)

1-(She looked back at me just to see if I would see her sexy sultry sway.)

2-(She'll mess up my tie when she walks on by, and swings her sultry sway.)

3-(She moved in with me. It was meant to be. And now her sultry sway stays with me.)


The day began and it dawned on me I needed somehow to find out.

Was she really real? Was she really into me?

My answers brought me doubt.

I make my way to where she was seen last night,

and quickly learn she comes in late.

I've nowhere else to be, and I need to see that sight.

So I sit down and wait.


I heard a knock on my bedroom door, and thought it seemed to be a dream.

I saw the doorknob turn and quickly rise to see her sultry sway extreme.

I move to give her room and she slides right next to me

and smiles her sultry smile.

She said she caught my vibes and she had to come and see.

She's gonna stay awhile.

V-- (E)4 A A (E)6 A A E B


CH-- (A E)3 F#9 B...